Artist Statement
In the last decade, pockets of the English countryside have been ravaged by a succession of devastating wildfires. Though often associated with countries that have hotter climates, England has experienced more frequent heatwaves in recent years as a result of climate change, resulting in many more fires. In the summer months, moorlands are at particular risk due to their rich peat content and dry, flammable flora.
Wildfires are having a significant effect on the environment, releasing dangerous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that had once been stored in the peat on the uplands. These fires can also devastate local habitats, killing wildlife and destroying rare wildflowers and plants.
Whilst some of these fires start naturally, people are also contributing to the increase in wildfires in England by igniting barbeques, campfires, and discarding cigarettes. As arson and carelessness are some of the main contributing factors to wildfires starting, it is now more important than ever to make people aware of the dangers, how easily fires can start and how they can be prevented.

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